• 50 g Pistachios, roughly chopped
  • 250 g Sbrinz cheese, grated
  • 1 tblsp. Cornstarch
  • 5 pc Eggs
  • 250 ml cream
  • Salt, Pepper, Nutmeg,
  • Cayenne chili powder (optional)

Preheat oven to 160 C.
Butter a oven-proof mould (either metal or ceramic) and layout with grease-proof paper. Butter paper also and sprinkle the pistachios on all sides. Let set in refrigerator.
Mix the grated cheese with cornstarch and add all other ingredients. Mix well.
Pour mixture into the pistachio-lined moulds, almost full.
Set moulds into another heat proof dish. Fill this dish with very hot water until the moulds are sitting in 2/3 of water.
Now bake this for approx. 50-60 minutes, until mixture is firm to the touch. Remove terrines from water bath and let cool for 20 minutes.
Turn terrines out and slice as desired. Best served with a crisp salad.

reference: swissmilk.ch